Monday 15 January 2018

الصليب الأحمر - ألين المتاجرة النظام

تسعة كواكب - جولة النظام الشمسي هذا الموقع هو لمحة عامة عن التاريخ والأساطير والمعرفة العلمية الحالية من الكواكب والأقمار وغيرها من الأشياء في نظامنا الشمسي. كل صفحة لديها النص و ناسا الصور، وبعضها الأصوات والأفلام، ومعظم توفر إشارات إلى معلومات إضافية ذات صلة. يرجى زيارة قسم الأخبار الفلك الذي يعطي الأخبار والملاحظات والملاحظات العامة، لدينا أيضا جولة تفاعلية للنظام الشمسي (الأحمال في نافذة جديدة) ويمكن رؤية جميع الكواكب مع تلسكوب صغير أو مناظير والمراصد الخاصة لا تزال توفر مفيدة معلومات. ولكن إمكانية الحصول على قرب مع المركبة الفضائية بين الكواكب قد أحدثت ثورة في علم الكواكب. ولم يكن ممكنا سوى القليل جدا من هذا الموقع بدون برنامج الفضاء. ومع ذلك، ثيريس الكثير التي يمكنك ان ترى مع معدات متواضعة جدا أو حتى مع عينيك فقط. الأجيال الماضية من الناس وجدت الجمال والشعور عجب التفكير في السماء ليلا. والمعرفة العلمية اليوم تزيد وتعزز هذه التجربة. ويمكنك مشاركة في ذلك ببساطة عن طريق الخروج في المساء وتبحث. الشمس هي إلى حد بعيد أكبر كائن في النظام الشمسي. أنه يحتوي على أكثر من 99.8 من الكتلة الإجمالية للنظام الشمسي (المشتري يحتوي على أكثر من بقية). وكثيرا ما يقال أن الشمس هي نجمة كواليتيكوت. هذا صحيح 39 بمعنى أن هناك العديد من الآخرين مماثلة له. ولكن هناك العديد من النجوم أصغر من أكبر منها الشمس في أعلى 10 من الكتلة. قد يكون متوسط ​​حجم النجوم في مجرتنا أقل من نصف كتلة الشمس. كوكب المشتري هو الرابع ألمع كائن في السماء (بعد الشمس والقمر والزهرة). وقد كان معروفا منذ عصور ما قبل التاريخ كما ستاركوت مشرق كوتورانديرينغ. ولكن في 1610 عندما أشار غاليليو لأول مرة تليسكوب في السماء اكتشف كوكب المشتري 39 أقمار كبيرة إو. أوروبا. غانيميد وكاليستو (المعروف الآن باسم أقمار غاليلي) وسجلت حركاتهم ذهابا وإيابا حول المشتري. في الأساطير الرومانية الزئبق هو إله التجارة والسفر والسرقة، والنظير الروماني للإله اليوناني هيرميس، رسول الآلهة. ربما حصل هذا الكوكب على هذا الاسم لأنه يتحرك بسرعة عبر السماء. وقد عرف الزئبق منذ زمن السومريين على الأقل (الألف الثالث قبل الميلاد). غير الاتحاد الفلكي الدولي تعريف كوتلانيتكوت بحيث بلوتو لم يعد مؤهلا. هناك رسميا ثمانية فقط الكواكب في نظامنا الشمسي. بالطبع هذا التغيير في المصطلحات لا يؤثر على ما هو موجود بالفعل. في النهاية، it39s ليس مهما جدا كيف نصنف الكائنات المختلفة في نظامنا الشمسي. المهم هو أن نتعلم عن طبيعتها الفيزيائية وتاريخها. كوكب النظام من الشمس الزئبق، كوكب الزهرة، الأرض، المريخ، كوكب المشتري، زحل، أورانوس ونبتون معرفتنا من نظامنا الشمسي واسعة ولكنها بعيدة كل البعد عن الاكتمال. بعض من العالمين لم يتم حتى تصويرها عن قرب. الكواكب تسعة لمحة عامة عن ما نعرفه اليوم. نحن ما زلنا نستكشف أكثر من ذلك بكثير لا يزال مقبولا: لن نتوقف عن الاستكشاف، ونهاية كل استكشاف لدينا سيكون للوصول حيث بدأنا ومعرفة المكان لأول مرة. - T. S. إليوت الموارد التعليمية الأخرى أمب نوتس علم الفلك صورة اليوم للحصول على قائمة كاملة من المحتويات يرجى الاطلاع هنا. للحصول على معلومات عن الجغرافيا يرجى زيارة الجغرافيا الطبيعية. أستوند عينيك مع الأوهام سنا الطبقات على الانترنت المهنية علم الفلك البحث ورقة مساعدة الكتابة يمكن العثور عليها في أدفانسدوريترز. النظام الشمسي جولة مجاملة من النظام الشمسي نطاق إذا كنت تفكر في السفر في جميع أنحاء كوكبنا، ثم أوروبا هو مكان عظيم لزيارة بعض من أجمل المدن في العالم، ولكن تأكد من اتخاذ بطاقة إهيك معك. ومع ذلك إذا كنت يتوهم زيارة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، ثم قد تحتاج إلى التقدم للحصول على تأشيرة إستا قبل أن تذهب. فخور مؤيد من تسعة كواكب، يوميا الخيال مقهى وتقدم واحدة أعلى فاندويل التلفزيون الرمز الترويجي في الخيال لكرة القدم. تعلم كيفية كسب المال عن طريق استخدام ثنائي البرمجيات التجارية: ثنائي الخيار روبوت معلومات كداعم مستمر من تسعة كواكب، Come2OrderDC هو تقديم بعض من أعلى كوبونات على الانترنت ورموز الترويجي. زيارة بروموكوديواتش للخصومات الطلاب الحصرية والمسابقات الدراسية السنوية. تحقق من القاضي أرسي لاختيار رهيبة على أفضل طائرة هليكوبتر أرسي للأطفال مدرسة ثانوية إكسيل يقدم برنامج دبلوم المدرسة الثانوية المعتمدة إقليميا للبالغين. نقل إلى أكاديمية نورثغات و هومشول على الانترنت. معتمدة بالكامل وبأسعار معقولة. تصميم الموقع من قبل سيو لوس أنجلوس زيارة بلدي طفل يحتاج ذلك لمجموعة كبيرة من المنتجات التعليمية بما في ذلك العلوم والفلك التعلم اللعب القائم على الأطفال. 1994 - 2015 تسعة كواكب دليل لنظامنا الشمسي وما بعده. لسنوات عديدة، إن لم يكن عقود، كانت مكبرات الصوت السلطة واحدة من أكبر واحد (مكون) خيبات الأمل. في الواقع، كانت لديهم تنازلات أكثر خطورة من المضخمات المسبقة. في حين كان هناك الكثير من مكبرات الصوت جيدة، وكان عدد قليل ممتازة وحتى أقل كانت رائعة. أما بالنسبة لكبير، وكنت قد مرت على تسمية حتى مكبر للصوت واحد حتى وقت قريب. ومع ذلك، هناك أخيرا عدد قليل من مكبرات الصوت، واختبارها في السنوات القليلة الماضية، التي يبدو أنها قد حصلت على هذا التكريم. المعايير والشروط المعايير هنا هي أعلى من غيرها، وهذا هو السبب في أنك لن تجد سوى 2 أو 3 مكبرات الصوت في الفئة A، وليس 50 أو أكثر سوف تجد في ستيريوفيل. لأن العظمة، حتى عندما يتم تعريفها بشكل فضفاض، ليست أبدا شائعة في أي مسعى بشري. وأود أن أقرأ هذا القسم بعناية أكبر من أي قسم آخر، لأن هناك شروطا وتحذيرات وتحذيرات أكثر من أي فئة أخرى من العناصر. والخبر السار الوحيد عن مكبرات الصوت هو أن تقريبا جميع أفضل النماذج سمعنا هي أقل من 10،000. هذه هي فئة واحدة حيث المال الكبير نادرا ما يشتري لك أفضل صوت، بغض النظر عن ما كنت قد قرأت في مكان آخر. في الواقع، العكس هو الصحيح دائما تقريبا. هناك سبب وجيه جدا لذلك. المفقودين ميغابوك مكبرات الصوت لن تجد حتى واحد ميغابوك (أكثر من 20،000)، مكبر للصوت عظمى المدرجة هنا، إما الحالة الصلبة أو أنبوب. لماذا لا أحد منهم، بغض النظر عن الهندسة أو التنفيذ أو سمعة، ويمكن الاقتراب من جودة الصوت من مكبرات الصوت منخفضة الطاقة جيدة. وكلها لها مسارات الإشارات التي هي معقدة جدا جدا للحفاظ على الخفية وجوهر الموسيقى، وخاصة الصوتية، ولكن حتى الإلكترونية. أنها تتفوق فقط في ديناميات القوة الغاشمة، والتفاصيل الخارجية، وحجم سوندستاد والسيطرة المنخفضة نهاية مع مكبرات الصوت من تصميم رديئة. مع هذه مكبرات الصوت، كنت تدفع (الكثير) أكثر لسونيكس أقل جودة، وهذا هو أحد الأسباب التي سوف نرى حتما لهم للبيع في جزء صغير من سعر التجزئة في غضون أشهر من بيعها. والسبب الآخر هو أن ترميز الشركات المصنعة على مكبرات الصوت المكلفة جدا عادة ما يكون أعلى بكثير من مكبرات الصوت الأخرى. لماذا أدرك المصنعين والموزعين أن هيبة، على أساس ارتفاع سعر مصطنع، هو أكثر أهمية بكثير للمشترين المحتملين من هذه المكونات من الأداء سونيك الفعلي. (لمصنعي مكبرات الصوت والموزعين قد تعلمت هذا الدرس نفسه سنوات في وقت سابق.) (لمزيد من المعلومات حول موضوع: المشاكل الصوتية التي لا مفر منها من المكونات مع حجم المفرط والتعقيد، يرجى الذهاب إلى بلدي فلسفة الصوت.) حساسية المتحدث و إمباندانس لواد-وي من المهم أن القارئ مؤخرا أرسل لي رسالة بالبريد الالكتروني، مع سؤال القراء الآخرين قد سألت أيضا أو الاستدلال، إما بشكل مباشر أو غير مباشر. هنا هو: يمكنني فهم حدسي لماذا أعلى كفاءة في مكبرات الصوت سيكون زائد. أنا لا أفهم لماذا (الحد الأدنى 6 أوم في كل مكان) إلزامي لتحقيق بساطتها. لماذا مكبرات الصوت (93 ديسيبل) مع معاوقة أقل وأول مناورات كروسوفرز تنتهك المبادئ الأساسية ردي - ومكبرات الصوت مقاومة (الحمل) يكاد يكون مهما مثل حساسية لها، وربما أكثر من ذلك في بعض الحالات. ويرجع ذلك إلى أن السماعة ذات مقاومة منخفضة، حتى لو كان ترددها فقط على وجه الخصوص، عادة ما يتسبب في مكبر للصوت ثلاثي الموجات (سيت) إما لتشوه ملحوظ أو حتى مقطع كلي. ونادرا ما تمتلك هذه المضخمات الاحتياطيات الحالية اللازمة لمثل هذا الحمل منخفض المقاومة. إذا كان هذا لم يكن سيئا بما فيه الكفاية، حتى لو كان مكبر للصوت لا تشوه، واستجابتها التردد سوف تبدو وكأنها سلسلة جبال مع المتكلم الذي لديه مقاومة مختلفة. كل هذه المشاكل مسموعة جدا، وهي السبب في أن بعض عشاق الموسيقى يشعرون أن جميع نماذج سيت هي للخداع، أو للصم (المجازي). كان إيف تجربة مباشرة مع هذه المشكلة في عدة مناسبات. مثالي الرئيسي: ويلسون واط حساسة جدا بالمقارنة مع معظم المتكلمين الآخرين، ولكنهم قد هبوط مقاومة دراماتيكية في ترددات معينة، مما تسبب في كل أمبير واحد المنتهية ولايته كان، حتى تلك مع 20 واط أو أكثر من السلطة، لتشويه. وكان هذا المتكلم، أكثر من أي دولة أخرى، أثبت لي أن الحساسية ليست سوى نصف الحل. أتمنى أنها كانت خلاف ذلك، ولكن ليس. انتهى بي الأمر بناء بلدي كروس العرف الخاص لبلدي واتس. وكانت الطريقة الوحيدة الوحيدة للقضاء على المشكلة. وأعتقد أن تحميل المتكلم السهل، سواء في الحساسية والمقاومة، هو المفتاح لوضع نظام صوتي عظيم حقا، لذلك كل مشجعي الموسيقى خطيرة في نهاية المطاف لمعالجة هذه المسألة. مكبرات الصوت ومكبرات الصوت - الخيار القاسي الذي لا يمكن تجنبه كانت تجربتي ميور، في كل حالة تقريبا، عند مقارنة مكبرات الصوت باستخدام مكبرات الصوت التي لا تتطلب كميات هائلة من الجهد أندور الحالي لدفعهم، وانخفاض تصميم أندور تصاميم أبسط (من نوعية البناء على قدم المساواة ) سوف يبدو معنى أعلى بشكل ملحوظ أكثر طبيعية وأقل الإلكترونية. وضمن هذا التسلسل الهرمي للمكبر فإن أكبر مضخمات الحالة الصلبة ستصدر أسوأها (في حين تتمتع بأكبر قدر من براعة السماعات) في حين أن مكبرات الصوت سيت ذات الطاقة المنخفضة سوف تبدو أفضل (مع وجود أقل قدر من براعة السماعات). لماذا تكون مكبرات الصوت الأقل قدرة دائما على أقصى درجة من الدارة، مما يسبب أقل تلف موسيقي. وهذا يعني أن هناك صيغة عامة أو قاعدة عامة لا لبس فيها إلى كل ذلك: العلاقة العكسية بين قدرة مكبر صوت مكبرات الصوت وجودة صوتها المتأصلة. وبعبارة أخرى: كلما زاد عدد مكبرات الصوت التي يمكن للمكبر أن يقودها دون التعرض للتهديد، كلما كانت السماعات الصوتية أكثر تضررا، وكل شيء آخر متساوي. السعر الصوتي لمزيد من مساكن المتكلم هو أكبر تدهور إشارة. بكل بساطة. القياس - مثل الفرق بين مركبة جميع التضاريس وسيارة السباق. بالتأكيد، يمكنك دائما الحصول من أي نقطة A إلى أي نقطة B مع جميع التضاريس المركبات، ولكن لها أي مسابقة عندما التصاميم اثنين تتنافس على الطريق السريع على نحو سلس ومستقيم. كلمة تحذير واستشارة تلقيت مؤخرا رسالة محبطة من القارئ الذي اشترى مضخم صوت فتل في نهاية المطاف، بناء على نصيحتي وتوصيتي، إلا أن نرى أنها تنهار بعد بضعة أشهر، مع الإصلاحات المطلوبة مكلفة للغاية لتكون اقتصادية، في أقل لهذا القارئ، الذي هو في الأعمال الإلكترونية أنبوب لا أقل. لذا القراء، من فضلك. عند شراء مكون الصوت المستخدمة. وخاصة وحدة أنبوب أقدم من مصدر غير معروف، تأكد من وجود بعض ردود الفعل السابقة أو بعض الموارد إذا كان هناك مشاكل. إما أن، أو تأكد من أن السعر الذي تدفعه منخفض بما فيه الكفاية للسماح لك لا تزال تنفق شيئا لجعله يصل إلى أعلى أداء المخزون. (التعديلات يمكن أن تأتي في وقت لاحق.) من الناحية المثالية، يجب أن تسمع المكون في النظام الخاص بك، والتحقق من ذلك شخصيا، قبل الشراء. لحسن الحظ، كابوس هذا القارئ المزعج شهدت نادرة نسبيا، على الأقل في عالم الصوت لدينا، ولكن دائما أن نكون حذرين قبل أن تجعل التزامكم. هذا المضخم هو موثوق بها عموما، لذلك أنا لا تحاول أن تكون مثالا للخروج منه، ولكن القارئ أبلغني أن (فتل) مصنع لن يكون من أي مساعدة (مع الخطط أو أجزاء القوائم)، لذلك تكون أكثر حذرا معها. متزامن 211PP التنين مك. إي مكبرات الصوت أحادية وجدت أخيرا الوقت والمساعدة التي كنت المطلوبة لإجراء الاختبار بشكل صحيح هذه مكبرات الصوت (الذي كان إيف لمدة عام الآن). سمعت لهم على كل من المراقبين ومضخمات الصوت من الصدف المرجعية الصرفة المتطرفة (بري) (تضاعف). حتى أنني استمعت إلى واحد منهم أحادية (قناة واحدة). وبعد ذلك تم مقارنتها مباشرة مع أمبير فرانكنشتاين المتزامنة على الشاشات، وأمبير التنين الأصلي على مضخم الصوت. التفاصيل ذات الصلة - هذا الزوج من التنين تم كسرها تماما من قبل الأطراف السابقة قبل تلقيت منهم (العروض والمراجعين الآخرين، بما في ذلك أواخر هاري بيرسون). أنها تستخدم الأسهم بسفان 211 أنابيب الانتاج. هذا هو ما أنا، وزملائي الزائر. لاحظ: التنين مك. إي هو مكبر للصوت المعلقة. هو على حد سواء أجود دفع سحب مكبر للصوت إيف سمعت، من أي نوع وبأي ثمن، فضلا عن أرقى مكبر للصوت داخل نطاق قوتها (وهو أمر زائدة عن الحاجة للدولة). مقارنة التنين الأصلي، الذي إيف عاش الآن مع لأكثر من 8 سنوات. والثاني هو أنظف وأكثر دقة السبر في جميع أنحاء نطاق الترددات، بالإضافة إلى أنه يحتوي على أقل صوت الكلمة. الباس هو قليلا أكثر تفصيلا والسيطرة (مثل قبضة الحديد) من التنين الأصلي. في بعض الأحيان، كما أن لها تأثير أكبر قليلا. الأهم من ذلك، الثاني هو أكثر تماسكا مع مضخمات فرانكنشتاين اللعب على شاشات في نظام بيامبد (وهو أمر حاسم بالنسبة لي). قد لا تبدو التحسينات في الباص، في عزلة، كثيرا، ولكن هذا هو واحد من تلك المناسبات موضع ترحيب حيث يكون المبلغ أكبر من الأجزاء. هناك تحسينات أخرى إلى جانب مجرد سونيك النقي، على الرغم من أنها ترتبط مباشرة. و مك. الثاني هو أكثر هدوءا وأكثر برودة ثم التنين الأصلي، وذلك أساسا لأنه يحتوي الآن على محول الطاقة الثانية، جنبا إلى جنب مع أوجه التقدم الأخرى في إمدادات الطاقة كذلك (التفاصيل هي في موقع صدفة، انظر الرابط أدناه). وبالتالي، فإن الثاني هو أكبر من الأصلي، على الرغم من أن أكثر من ذلك بكثير أنيقة في المظهر مع الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ الكروم مثل الأغطية. أنابيب إخراج اثنين تشغيل برودة كذلك، لذلك يتم تمديد حياتهم الآن. باختصار، مك. إي متفوقة في كل طريقة ممكنة للنموذج الأصلي. ارتفع السعر 10. والتي هي في الواقع أقل من التضخم المتراكم خلال هذه الفترة من الزمن (10،000 إلى 11،000)، والحساسية يبدو انخفاض بنحو 2 ديسيبل أو نحو ذلك (وهو ما يعني كان هناك تغيير الدائرة، على الرغم من أن تكملة أنبوب يبقى بالضبط نفس). وقد سمعت جميع التحسينات المذكورة أعلاه بسرعة كبيرة وهي واضحة جدا، وهذا هو السبب في أنني لا مصلحة في تقديم أي وصف مطول. ما أشعر به هو أكثر أهمية هو ما إذا كان هذا المكون يتغير المشهد الحالي مكبر للصوت. لقد أعطيت هذا بعض التفكير، وخاصة بالنسبة لأصحاب المتحدثين الصرفة المرجعية المتطرفة، وأدناه هو تفكيري في هذا الوقت. التنين أو فرانكشتاين. أو التنين هو أقرب إيف سمعت مكبر للصوت دفع سحب تأتي لتعادل مزايا الصوتية الكامنة في مجموعة جيدة حقا مكبر للصوت، ولكن ليس هناك حتى الان. و، أن تكون صريحة وحشية، ولن يكون من أي وقت مضى، وذلك أساسا لأنني لا أعتقد من الممكن تقنيا لأي دفع سحب أمبير لتحقيق هذا المستوى من الأداء. إذا كان ذلك ممكنا، فإن مكبرات الصوت سيت عفا عليها الزمن وظيفيا لأنه، خارج مزاياها الصوتية الفريدة، ليس لديهم صفات معفاة، باستثناء أقلية صغيرة، من الحنين إلى الماضي. ومع ذلك، فمن الواضح أن التنين سوف يتفوق على فرانكشتاين على الغالبية العظمى من المتحدثين التي تهم عشاق الموسيقى، الحالية أو من الماضي. الخط السفلي هنا بسيط جدا: فرانكنشتاين هو مكبر للصوت متخصص، مصممة لأولئك المتكلمين القليلة التي هي سهلة جدا لدفع (في كل من حساسية ومقاومة)، في حين أن التنين يمكن أن تدفع أي مكبر الصوت تقريبا. هذا يجلب لنا بعد ذلك إلى مكبر الصوت أن كلا مكبرات الصوت يمكن أن تدفع، و بيور المرجعي المتطرفة، وهو أيضا فائقة كاشفة كذلك، مما يجعل من الأسهل لمراقبة أي أوجه القصور في المصادر والتضخيم، ودائما مكافأة لأي ناقد. في الواقع، ناقشت هذه المسألة نفسها بالضبط قبل أربع سنوات في عام 2011، وبينما تم تحسين التنين الآن، لذلك كان فرانكنشتاين إلى حد ما في وقت سابق، وبنفس الدرجة تقريبا. ما يعنيه هذا هو أن العلاقة الأداء الصوتية بين مكبرات الصوت اثنين لا يزال أساسا نفس عندما صدر لأول مرة مرة أخرى في عام 2007، وحتى ذلك الحين سوف يكون وجهة نظري والمشورة. وبناء على ذلك، سأكرر ببساطة ما كتبته منذ أربع سنوات حول هذا الموضوع، بنفس الكلمات تقريبا التي استخدمتها آنذاك: 1. عندما لعبت مضخمات فرانكنشتاين بشكل كامل، لا تزال أفضل عموما. معظم الوقت. أنها تثبت فقط أوجه القصور فيها، بطريقة واضحة، على الأكثر تحديا من السجلات، والتي تتطلب كميات كبيرة جدا أندور تطلب الملاحظات باس. فهي أكثر وضوحا والحاضر من التنينات والمواءمة هي أكثر طبيعية. تتفوق فرانكنشتاين في النقاء والشفافية والطبيعية والأرضيات المنخفضة للغاية والافتقار إلى الطابع الإلكتروني. حتى أبسط، فرانكشتاين هو سيد من الأصوات. 2. مضخمات التنين، في حين أن الأداء المتميز واضح، هي متفوقة فقط في تحقيق مستويات الصوت في نهاية المطاف وفي ترددات باس، على الرغم من أن التحسن الأخير هو عادة خفية وواضحة فقط على الموسيقى مع التحديات باس خطيرة. حتى أبسط، التنين هو سيد الطبول، حيث السيطرة هو شرط إضافي. في النهاية، اختيار بين مكبرات الصوت، على افتراض المتحدثين هي بري أو شيء مماثل، يأتي إلى الجودة مقابل الكمية. إذا كان المستمع يتطلب التنينات طاقة إضافية لمجموعة متنوعة من الأسباب غرفة كبيرة بشكل غير عادي، ومستويات الاستماع عالية، والموسيقى الصعبة إضافية، بالإضافة إلى راحة البال أن مكبرات الصوت لن تتخلى أبدا تحت أي ظرف من الظروف، ثم أود الحصول على التنينات. وإلا، فإن فرانكنستينز يفضل. يجب ألا ننسى أن لدي غرفة كبيرة ولعب الموسيقى الأوركسترا كبيرة على أساس منتظم، وما زلت تفضل مضخمات فرانكنستين كامل المدى. ومع ذلك، على الرغم من هذا التحليل، وأعتقد أن الاختيار بين مكبرات الصوت اثنين، وكلاهما يلعب كامل المدى، هو تعسفي إلى حد ما وسطحية، إن لم يكن مضللا. باختصار، إذا كان الهدف النهائي هو تحسين كامل كل من الأداء المحتمل للمرجع النقي الصرفة (سماعه في أرقى لها)، ثم الجواب الحقيقي هو لا، لأن هناك خيار ثالث (انظر أدناه)، وفي رأيي من ذوي الخبرة، هو الخيار الأفضل، الفترة. الجواب الصحيح هو: أو أفضل صوت سمعت مع بري، دون أي شك. عندما كانت ثنائية التضخيم. مع فرانكنستينز على المراقبين والتنينات على مضخم صوت. لأفضل ما في جميع العالمين، والتي تأتي للأسف مع سعر نقدي، يجب علينا الآن مناقشة ثنائية أمبينغ (مما يجعل أكثر من التحسن من مضاعفة حتى لهم). لجعل الأمور واضحة وضوح الشمس، لا مكبر للصوت واحد، في أي ثمن، يمكن أن يساوي ما يمكن فرانكنشتاين والتنين القيام به معا، ويمكنني أن أقول أنه مع الثقة المطلقة على الرغم من أنني من الواضح أن سمعت سمعت كل مكبر للصوت في العالم. وذلك لأن لا أحد مكبر للصوت، بغض النظر عن قدراتها، يمكن التغلب على المشاكل التقنية الكامنة في لعب بري كامل المدى. مكبرات الصوت المخصصة فقط، مستقلة كهربائيا عن بعضها البعض، يمكن تجنب تلك المشاكل، مما يعني ثنائي أمبينغ هو ضرورة لتحقيق أعلى أداء ممكن مع بري (أو أي متحدث آخر مع تصميم مماثل). فوائد الصوتية من أمبينغ ثنائية، والتي هي سهلة جدا لمراقبة على بري، تعتمد على الذي مكبر للصوت يلعب في الأصل كامل المدى. إذا كان فرانكشتاين، مع إضافة التنين ليس فقط سوف باس من الواضح أن لديها المزيد من القوة والوزن والتأثير، فإن المدى المتوسط ​​أيضا تحسين لدرجة مدهشة، مع نقاء اضافية، والسرعة وحتى الإرتفاع. إذا كان التنين هو مكبر للصوت بداية، إضافة فرانكشتاين سوف يقلل من الإرتفاع، ولكن مختلف التحسينات في المدى المتوسط ​​سوف أكثر من تعويض عن ذلك. سوف باس تبقى أساسا نفس. وعلاوة على ذلك، فإن أي مكبر للصوت الحلم النظري سوف يضعف بشكل ملحوظ المدى المتوسط ​​بريوس إذا كان يدفع في وقت واحد مضخم صوت في نفس الوقت. هذه المشكلة التقنية لا يمكن أن تكون حساسة، الذي يغلق هذه المسألة. (A كفيات و إكسبتيون - كروسوفربوفر الإلكترونية يمكن أن تضر المدى المتوسط ​​وباس من بري حتى أكثر من استخدام مكبر للصوت واحد كامل النطاق، والتي تعلمت من الخبرة المباشرة.) حتى الآن، إيف كان التركيز على التنين وفرانكنشتاين ليس فقط لأنها تأتي من كل من متزامن، ولكن أيضا لأنها تشترك في تصميم عام مماثل جدا. في الواقع، التنين هو أقرب مكبر للصوت ممكن فرانكنستين إذا كان الهدف هو أن يكون حوالي 10 ديسيبل المزيد من السلطة، مما يجعلها مكبر للصوت المثالي لاستخدامها على مضخم صوت إذا كان يستخدم فرانكشتاين على القمة. ومع ذلك، هناك خيارات جيدة أخرى للفرع كذلك، وكلها تكلف أقل من التنين إعصار أسل، توتايالتيك 1570، الكناري كا-339 الخ (تحقق فئات بك من مكبرات الصوت المرجعية للخيارات الأخرى)، ولكن أيا من وهذه الأمبير تساوي التنين إما الأداء العام والتماسك أندور. ومع ذلك، هناك الآن خيار آخر، وربما يكون من الأفضل لبعض المستمعين من حتى مزيج فرانكنستيندراغون، ومفاجأة، فإنه يأتي في الواقع من صدفة أنفسهم. أحدث بي-أمب الخيار سوينسيدنت قد خرج مؤخرا مع مكبر للصوت جديد يسمى توربو. الذي هو مجموعة باستخدام 845 أنبوب الانتاج (28 واط). وهو مكبر للصوت ثنائي أحادي (متكامل) على هيكل واحد (ثقيل جدا). وقد تلقى بعض الاستعراضات الهذيان. لم أسمع نفسي حتى الآن، ولكن على أساس تصميمها وتنفيذها، والتي هي مشابهة جدا لكل من التنين وفرانكنشتاين، يمكن أن يكون الخيار الأفضل لكثير من عشاق الموسيقى، وحتى لديه بعض الامتيازات الحصرية لنفسها. أولا، كيف يمكنك أفضل ثنائي أمبير باستخدام توربو ثاتس سهلة: يمكنك استخدام اثنين منهم، مع مكبر للصوت واحد مخصص لقناة واحدة المتكلم. لذلك، فإن توربو واحد السلطة تماما قناة مكبر الصوت الأيسر وثاني توربو قناة المتكلم الصحيح. كل قناة توربوس اليمنى أو اليسرى من شأنها أن تدفع إما الشاشة أو مضخم صوت. ومن شأن هذه الطريقة أن تقلل أطوال الكابلات وأن تزيد من الفصل إلى أقصى حد. عندما نقارن مزيج فرانكنستيندراغون مع اثنين من التوربوس، وهذا، مع بعض التكهنات، هو ما ينبغي أن يحدث: 1. توربو سوف تكون قادرة على اللعب بشكل ملحوظ أعلى بكثير على معظم الموسيقى، لأنه يحتوي على حوالي 6 ديسيبل أكثر من الإرتفاع من فرانكنشتاين على شاشات ، في حين نادرا ما يسمع صوت التنقيب 4 ديسيبل ميزة هدروم على الغواصات. 2. توربو سوف تبدو أكثر تماسكا، لأن مكبر للصوت نفسه بالضبط سوف تلعب الآن على حد سواء على الشاشة ومضخم صوت. وسوف يستغرق اثنين من أزواج من فرانكنستينز أو التنين لتساوي لهم هنا، ولكن كل من هذه الخيارات سوف تأتي مع عيوب أكثر وضوحا. 3. يجب أن يكون فرانكنشتاين ميزة طفيفة على توربو في نقاط قوتها (المذكورة أعلاه)، لكنها ستكون دقيقة جدا. 4. يجب أن يكون التنين ميزة طفيفة على توربو في نقاط قوتها (المذكورة أعلاه)، ولكنها ستكون أيضا دقيقة جدا (معظم الوقت). وبالتالي، فإن المقايضات هي: ارتفاع إضافي بشكل ملحوظ وتحسين التماسك ل توربو مقابل عيب طفيف جدا في المدى المتوسط ​​وحلول وسط عرضية في مجموعة باس بالمقارنة مع فرانكنستيندراغون. إذا كان هذا يبدو وكأنه اثنين من التوربينات قد يكون الآن الخيار الأفضل، النظر في مجرد سونيكس، ناهيك عن 5000 وفورات (17،000 مقابل 12،000)، حسنا أنا لست قادرا على تصعيد حجة قوية ضد هذه الفرضية، وهذا هو السبب شعرت هذا الخيار يجب أن تنشأ، خاصة في هذا الوقت. ومع ذلك، يجب أيضا أن نتذكر أن قدرات التنين متوافق مع العديد من المتكلمين، وهذا هو السبب في أنها تكلف أكثر في المقام الأول، في حين أن هذه المناقشة تركز فقط على تحسين بيست المرجعية المرجعية. وتتمتع توربوس أيضا بميزة مالية أخرى، ويمكن شراؤها في وقت واحد، مما يجعلها ستة آلاف استثمار بدلا من 12000 استثمار. وعلاوة على ذلك، توربو لديه بعض الامتيازات التي قد تجد بعض المهم، وهي جهاز التحكم عن بعد الذي يتضمن: مفتاح محدد، والبكم، وتحويل الاتصال المباشر والتحكم في مستوى الصوت. حتى أنه يحتوي على مكبر للصوت سماعة التي لديها أداء من الطراز العالمي وفقا لمراجع واحد. واحد الخيار الأخير وأخيرا، للحفاظ على فتح جميع الخيارات، قد يكون أفضل توربو إما فرانكشتاين أو التنين عندما تستخدم من تلقاء نفسها مع بري، لأنه لديه مزايا الصوتية على كل منهما. في الواقع، إذا كان ثنائي أمبينغ غير ممكن لشخص ما، وكان لديهم لاستخدام مكبر للصوت واحد فقط على بري، وأود أن ننصح على الأرجح باستخدام توربو إما على التنين أو فرانكشتاين. (هذا لن يكون ممكنا بالنسبة لي شخصيا، بسبب غرفتي انشاء-- ليس لدي مكان في غرفة الاستماع الخاصة بي لوضع واحد مكبر للصوت قناة واحدة.) لتلخيص كل ما نوقش أعلاه، في أبسط المصطلحات: 1. التنين الثاني هو تحسن جيد جدا من التنين الأصلي، الذي كان بالفعل مكبر للصوت هائل في حد ذاته. الثاني متفوقة في الأداء، والتطبيق العملي والمظهر، والذي يغطي بالتالي كل قاعدة يمكن تخيلها، ويكلف 10 فقط أكثر. 2. في حين أن التنين يمكن أن تدفع مجموعة أكبر بكثير من مكبرات الصوت، فإن مكبر للصوت فرانكنستين سيت لا يزال الخيار الأفضل، في معظم الوقت، على سوينسيدنتس الخاصة بيور المرجعية المتطرفة (بري) مكبرات الصوت (أو غيرها من المتكلمين مماثلة ل بري). 3. ومع ذلك، ثنائي أمبينغ. باستخدام مكبرات الصوت، لا تزال الطريقة الوحيدة لتعظيم قدرات بريس. لا أحد مكبر للصوت، في أي سعر، يمكن أن تساوي أدائها مجتمعة بسبب العوامل التقنية الكامنة والتي لا يمكن تجنبها. 4. قد يكون من المحتمل أن تكون المضادات الجديدة توربو سيت مكبر للصوت إما فرانكنستين أو دراغون لقيادة بري. وعلاوة على ذلك، قد يكون زوج من التوربينات أيضا خيار متفوق عندما ثنائية أمبينغ كذلك، وهذا الخيار حتى يأتي مع وفورات نقدية كبيرة (5000). هذا يجلب لي ما يصل إلى التاريخ على العناصر المتزامنة التي هي ذات الصلة بالنسبة لي. ليس لدي أي خطط لأداء أي عنصر متزامن آخر في هذا الوقت. ومع ذلك، أنا لا تخطط لجعل بعض التعديلات مكثف بسيط إلى مكبر للصوت فرانكنشتاين، والتي سيتم الإبلاغ عنها في وقت ما في ربيع عام 2015. إذا كان القارئ يتطلب المزيد من التفاصيل بشأن مسألة اختيار مكبر للصوت (ق) للمرجعية الصرفة المرجعية، أود أن أقترح الاتصال إسرائيل بلوم. المصمم من صدفة، الذي جعل العديد من المقارنات أكثر مما لدي. انظر الرابط أدناه. متزامن رئيس تكنولوجيا كونسيدنت M300B فرانكنستين مك إي هذا هو، من دون شك، أجود مكبر للصوت، عموما، لقد سمعت من أي وقت مضى. وقد سمع ثلاثة من زملائي أيضا هذا مكبر للصوت، في نظام بلدي. ويوافقون على هذا الرأي والتقييم. ومنذ مضخمتي المرجعية السابقة، فإن الأنبوب الذهبي (المعدل بدرجة كبيرة) 300B (الآن في الدرجة B العليا)، نجا سابقا من كل تحد منذ عام 1996. أشعر أن فرانكشتاين يجب أن تتلقى فحصا شاملا ومتعمقا من لي في هذا الوقت. وبناء على ذلك، قررت إنشاء ملف مخصص لهذا مكبر للصوت المهم: ملف فرانكنستين الأساسية. هذا الملف يحتوي على كل ما كتبته من أي وقت مضى عن تكترونفرانكنستين و فرانكشتاين متزامن، وكذلك جميع القراء رسائل. كونسيدنت دراغون 211PP أمبليفيه (النسخة الأصلية) ملاحظة - هناك نسخة محدثة من هذا مكبر للصوت (انظر أعلاه) متاحة الآن. ما كتب أدناه في عام 2007. استمعت الآن إلى هذه مكبرات الصوت طويلة بما فيه الكفاية، وبطريقة كاشفة بما فيه الكفاية، من أجل التوصل إلى تقييم واثق حول لهم: هذا هو خيرة مكبر للصوت عالية الطاقة إيف سمعت من أي وقت مضى. إيف ذكرت بالفعل رائعة باس الاستنساخ (انظر أدناه)، والآن إيف أيضا سمعت لهم على أرس أكوستيكا الأقمار الصناعية. من حوالي 100 هرتز وما فوق. وكانت جلسة الاستماع (وأخرى) قصيرة نسبيا بسبب عدم تطابق المكونات، كما سيتم شرحه أدناه، ولكن طويلا بما فيه الكفاية لأغراضنا. عموما، نحن (شركائي وأنا) شهدت مجموعة من نقاط القوة لم نسمع من قبل. هذه المضخمات تمتلك ثلاثة مجالات من السيادة، واحد منهم هو لم يسبق له مثيل في تجربتنا: 1. التناقضات الديناميكية، والتحولات وكثافة هي في فئة من تلقاء نفسها. هو أول مكبر للصوت إيف سمعت من أي وقت مضى أن يسمح المتكلم ديناميكية جيدة لعرض شدة (غرة، أوزيبومب والصدمة القدرة) الذي يذكرنا المتكلم القرن جيدة. كل مضخم آخر إيف سمعت في حياتي هو مضغوط، إلى حد ما، بالمقارنة مع التنين. بعض العابرين يبدو في الواقع مثل اطلاق النار من مدفع. 2. لديه صوت كبير، وربما أكبر إيف سمعت من أي وقت مضى، ولكن إيف سمعت شيئا أكبر من ذلك. 3. هو فوري جدا. أكثر من أي مضخمات أنبوب عالية الطاقة إيف سمعت من أي وقت مضى، ومساوية فقط من قبل أفضل مضخمات مجموعة أو نماذج الترانزستور النادرة. بل هو أيضا محايد جدا، ولكن إذا كنت تأمل أنه يمكن أيضا تساوي أرقى مكبرات الصوت سيت ذات الطاقة المنخفضة، مثل فرانكشتاين متزامن أو الأنبوب الذهبي 300B. في نقاط القوة الفريدة من النقاء في نهاية المطاف، والشفافية وذات مستوى منخفض للغاية الكلمة الصوت، ويجب أن حزن للأسف هذا الأمل. تماما كما استغرق بضع دقائق فقط (أو أقل) لسماع التنين نقاط القوة واضحة (أعلاه)، والعودة إلى أرقى مجموعة أمبير وأنا أعلم بسرعة أكدت أنه لا تزال هناك فجوة مقارنة ملحوظة مع التنين التناسخ من العناصر الأكثر خفية من الموسيقى. ومع ذلك، أريد أن أجعل وجهة نظري وجهة نظر واضحة: التنين سوف يبدو أفضل، على مجموعة متنوعة من مكبرات الصوت أكبر من أي مكبر للصوت آخر إيف سمعت من أي وقت مضى، أو إم حتى علم في هذا الوقت. لا مكبر للصوت آخر إيف سمعت يمكن أن تساوي مزيج فريد من القوة الديناميكية الحقيقية، والنقاء، والحياد، والسرعة، وحجم الصورة، والطبيعية واكتمال في المتوسط ​​(وصعبة) مكبرات الصوت تحميل. إذا كان شخص ما يبحث عن مكبر للصوت النهائي، الذي يبدو المعلقة كامل المدى، على أي المتكلم تقريبا، من أي نوع، والتنينات سيكون خياري الأول. أخطط للذهاب في نهاية المطاف إلى مزيد من التفاصيل حول أداء التنينات. وفي الوقت نفسه، لقد سمعت بالفعل على نطاق واسع التنينات على مكبرات الصوت الفرعية بلدي. هيريس مقال كتبت عن هذه التجارب. أشعر أنها لا تزال ذات الصلة. يناير 2007 باس أمبليفيه مقال هذه هي أجود مضخمات إيف كان على بلدي آرس أكوستيكا نظام ماكس مضخم صوت. لا أستطيع أن أقول أنها متفوقة في كل معلمة الصوتية واحد، لكنها بالتأكيد أفضل عموما. في معظم الحالات، مثل هذا المستوى العالي من الأداء باس سوف تضيع على اوكتاف واحد (20 إلى 40 هرتز)، ولكن في حالتي مضخم الصوت ترتفع إلى حوالي 160 هرتز. الذي هو ثلاثة أوكتافات كاملة، وبالتالي حاسمة للغاية ل سونيكس النهائي من نظام بلدي. في حين ليس لدي أي نية حالية لتعيين مكبر للصوت كمرجع بدقة على ترددات باس لها (على الرغم من أن هذا ربما شيء ينبغي أن يكون مزيد من التفكير في المستقبل)، وأود أن أغتنم هذه الفرصة لمناقشة تجربتي الماضية مع مكبرات الصوت آرس , and the most interesting amplifiers Ive used with them. This should be relevant to a wide audience of audiophiles, because it deals with bass reproduction in general. I also would like to post my thoughts and experiences on the utilization of subwoofers, which Ive now used in my various systems for almost 30 years . This will all be necessary to set the stage and to put things in perspective. Experiences with the Ars Acoustica System Max Subwoofer Ive had the Ars Acoustica speakers for almost 10 years now, and Ive tried countless amplifiers on them, on both the satellites and the subwoofers, and sometimes even one amplifier driving them full-range. This was easy and convenient for me, because I had my audio store in the same building in which I lived between 1996 to 2001 . At this time, Im only focusing on my most interesting experiences with the System Max subwoofers. The first amplifier I used on the Ars subs was the Parasound HCA-2200 one pair of them switched into mono operation. The Parasounds were superb bass amplifiers, especially for the money, though they couldnt operate into a really low impedance load in mono. Since the Ars is almost exactly 4 ohms . and very flat, this was not a problem. I had originally picked up the Parasounds for my previous woofer system, the Tympani IV bass panels (in heavy granite frames), which required huge power ( 500 watts minimum) and control, though they had no real response below 30 Hz . so they werent a true subwoofer. I also had the ultra-rare Concentric Speaker Super-subs (which I still have, and will discuss later). I was very happy with the Parasounds, but after a lot of experimenting with a number of amplifiers (now mainly forgotten), I eventually replaced them with a pair of Atma-sphere M-60 Mk. II OTL amplifiers. This was a surprise to me, considering the relatively low impedance of the Ars sub. The Atma-sphere didnt have nearly the power of the Parasounds of course, but they went just as low, were just as controlled, and they passed through more musical information in a natural manner. In effect, I traded some quantity for some quality . This brings us to around the year 2000 . Two more amplifiers, both of them using ( Direct Heated Triode ) tubes, then entered my audio life. The next amplifier I used, the Altec 1570B . with heavy modifications designed by Tom Tutay . ended up being my long-term choice ( 6 years ), though it was actually my second favorite. The Altec sounded very similar to the Atma-sphere, but it had more power. It was, in the end, in my room and system, a combination of the best qualities of both the Atma-sphere and the Parasound. Just when I thought I had found my final subwoofer amp, another contender arrived out of the blue (literally, since it was metallic blue). This was the Viva Aurora 572 amplifier, imported from Italy . which was also visually stunning. The Aurora was an expensive amplifier, the most expensive by far I had ever owned, but I was able to get a super deal on them. I was lucky, Viva was just then changing this model, converting it from the obsolete 572 output tube to an 845 output tube. I first played the amplifier in my store, comparing it to every serious amplifier I had, and could find. It didnt take long to appreciate its outstanding performance. In fact, it proved to be noticeably superior to all of the other amplifiers. It was especially impressive on the Coincident Super Eclipse . even startling highly critical listeners who had never liked that speaker in the past. After this encouraging experience, I decided to put it in my own system, which was the toughest and most revealing test I had, or knew. The Viva Aurora 572-My Final Toronto Fling I still remember one of my associates and I, plus a helpful and enthusiastic customer . bringing the Viva Aurora 572 amplifiers into my personal listening room. We were all excited, because we had just heard the Vivas easily outperform the finest amplifiers I had in the store. This time, we were going to compare it with my (highly modified) Golden Tube 300B amplifiers. The Golden Tube 300Bs only drove the satellites of the Ars Acoustica System Max . while the (modified) Altec 1570B amps drove the Ars subwoofers . It didnt take long to hook up the Vivas, and then warm them back up, while also resetting the subwoofer sensitivity. The Auroras sounded superb. We played a variety of music, all records, until we felt familiar enough with their sonics to go back to the Golden Tubes. The only surprise at that stage, for me anyway, was that the Vivas had only a very slight advantage during the loud passages. I was expecting something much more noticeable in that area. We then warmed up the Golden Tubes with different records, and after 30 minutes or so, we started playing the same records we had heard with the Vivas. We heard the differences almost immediately, and they were obvious to all of us. As good as the Vivas were, the Golden Tube amplifiers, in comparison, were in another sonic league. They were so natural and pure, while lacking any type of electronic signature, that it felt like nothing was even in the system to describe. In simple terms: It was almost as if they had an infinitely low sound-floor. We all had different reactions: I was disappointed, while my associate told me he wasnt surprised at the results, but had kept quiet to avoid influencing us. Meanwhile, the customer was so shocked by what he had heard, that he could hardly speak. He looked closely at the Golden Tube 300Bs, which appeared to be put together with spare parts in someones garage, and couldnt understand how it could perform at such a high level. I carefully explained the simplicity of the Golden Tubes circuit, and the modifications that had been made. Still, Im not sure I totally convinced him that it was all science. Then, wanting to complete the picture, I asked my two assistants to help me with one final experiment replacing the Altecs with the Vivas on the Ars subwoofers. The results: Paydirt The sonic differences between the Altecs and the Vivas were easily noticeable, though subtle at times. The Altec had a little more power and drive, while the Viva was more natural and pure, and also had a little more detail. However, most importantly to me, the Viva had a lower sound-floor. This, in turn, lowered the entire systems sound-floor. It was another quantity versus quality choice, and once again I chose quality. My system had never sounded so natural, and disappeared as well. Unfortunately, I only had this combination for a month or so. I soon left Toronto for Florida as planned. I felt that the Vivas were somewhat of a luxury at that precarious moment of my life, so I sold them to a lucky customer. Around 9 months later, now in Florida, the modified Altecs went back into my new system, and thats where theyve been for most of the last 4 years, until now. Enter the Dragons Ive had the Coincident Dragon amplifiers in my system for around a month now. I would have written my report earlier, considering its only bass frequencies being discussed here, but Ive also changed my turntable set-up ( VTF ), plus theres been some (final hurricane related) construction work on my house which caused even further delays. This is all in addition to the normal tube amplifier break-in process, since I received the pair virtually brand new. Lets start with a short physical description of the Dragon amplifier. Its a push-pull design, using (two) 211 DHT output tubes, with a 6EM7 input tube and a single 300B as a driver (there are no tube rectifiers). Im using a Svetlana 300B for now, and the 211s are NOS GE . Israel Blume . who created the basic design of the Dragon, claims that this output tube is critical to attain the amplifiers ultimate performance, though they are costly. It has an accessible volume control on the top plate. This amplifier is very well built, with an industrial, heavy-duty no-nonsense appearance. It is rated at around 80 watts per channel and weighs around 50 lbs . It requires absolutely no biasing . which is a serious advantage considering that the output tubes have 1,200 volts on their plates. There is one downside from the high voltage though, the amps do get quite hot, and are painful to touch after theyre on more than two hours or so. I looked inside, which I dont recommend to others, and can testify that I couldnt find even one modification opportunity. This is the first stock tube amplifier I have ever known where I could make such a claim. (Since this was written, I now think that the volume control can be improved.) Compared to the AltecTutay 1570B, the largest differences I heard, which anyone can hear, are as follows: 1. The Dragons are quite a bit less sensitive (maybe 6 dB or so), because it has fewer gain stages. 2. The Dragons reach noticeably deeper into the lowest bass frequencies (below 40 Hz) . 3. The Dragons are purer and have a lower sound-floor. The Dragons were also better in other areas, though to a more subtle degree control or tightness, mid-bass impact and drive, and superior retrieval of detail. I cant think of a single area where the Altecs exceeded the performance of the Dragons in the bass, though I dont want to give the impression that there was a night and day difference between them. The Altec 1570B is simply too good an amplifier to allow such an extreme expression to be used honestly. This made it extra difficult for me to balance the subwoofer with the satellites, since the subwoofers own balance was now different. I didnt hear this specific problem with the Altecs in my Toronto listening room, because the room itself rolled off the deepest bass frequencies. The only question still in my mind is something I have no chance of answering: How does the Dragons sound-floor compare to the Viva Aurora 572s I have a strong feeling that theyre very close, based on my similar gut reactions when first hearing both of them compared to the exact same amplifier. Still, 5 years is just too long to remember something subtle like this definitively. The only statement I can make with confidence is that theyre both in the same ballpark. The Coincident Dragon is as good as any other bass amplifier Ive ever used in every area of bass performance. This may not be relevant to the vast majority of audiophiles, but its still important to know, because were talking about 3 octaves of music. Whether having this level of bass performance is worth 9,000 is a personal choice, but I know nothing that equals it for less money. The main qualification of the above claim is the Ars Acoustica Subwoofer itself. Keep in mind that this is the only subwoofer Ive used so far with the Dragons, so a short description of the Ars Acoustica is in order. The Ars is the most revealing (sub)woofer Ive ever heard, overall, in this frequency range ( 20 to 150 Hz ). It is made out of a dead (casted) metapolymer cabinet, with three 8 woofers. It is natural, clean, highly detailed and has a very low sound-floor. However, other subwoofers Ive heard have greater weight and impact. Its load on the amplifier is slightly easier than average. Its sensitivity is around 92 dB1 watt, while its impedance is a low, though flat, 4 ohms. It will take time, and other audiophiles experiments, to learn how the Coincident Dragon deals with truly difficult loads, especially those speakers with really low and varying impedances. Finally, to be frank, I seriously looked for some good reason why the Dragon should NOT be in Class A. I couldnt find any. This search for a reason was partly because of the now unusual result Two separate amplifiers, from the same company, both being in Class A at the same time. This has never happened before. I realize it looks suspicious, especially since the owner of Coincident, Israel Blume . is a close friend of mine. However, if I didnt report and objectively evaluate what I (and three of my associates ) have heard, I would be doing both the readers of this website, and Blume, a disservice. Time will tell whether my judgement about this amplifier is correct, or not. VAICKR VV52B (MODIFIED) This is the second best amplifier, overall, Ive ever heard. Only the Coincident Frankenstein has proved to be superior. The Vaic, now discontinued, was an all-out attempt to create a state-of-the-art SET amplifier in the late 1990s. (I wish I heard it back then) Each mono amplifier weighs 65 lbs . and they cost 22,000 for a pair. As far as I know, it was built to Vaics specifications by Mastersound . located in Italy . Its appearance, all chrome, is stunning. Its performance, when it came out, was a breakthrough for (SET) amplifiers. The Vaic is outstanding in every sonic parameter naturalness, purity, transparency, speed, dynamics, imaging and the frequency extremes are not only there for once, but the deep bass has real power (see the Pure Reference essay). This assessment assumes that the Vaic will be matched to the right speaker, because, as a SET amplifier, it lacks feedback. It uses a VV52B DHT output tube, which is similar to a 300B . but it can handle far higher voltage and bias, so the power rating is over 20 watts per channel . Compared to the Coincident Frankenstein, the Vaic still sounds a little more electronic and its also slightly smeared and veiled. The (required) modifications are pretty straightforward Teflon coupling capacitors, film capacitor bypasses on the power supply caps, and improved internal wiring. These amplifiers are rather rare, but worth searching for. There may be a newer version of this amplifier by Ayon . but they cost 30,000 (8 years of inflation I guess). Further - For those sceptics who want to know what is the finest amplifier Ive ever heard, that also has no association whatsoever with Coincident (whose owner, Israel Blume . is a close friend of mine), the Vaic is that amplifier. In short, if the Frankenstein M300B did not exist, I would be now ( desperately ) searching for a pair of these Vaic amplifiers. VERY LOW (FLEA) POWER There are other amplifiers available with even less power (using 2A3, 45, 50 output tubes etc.) that are (supposedly) even more revealing and purer sounding. None of them are References at this time, because we are unaware of a single model that even equals the performance of the Coincident Frankenstein (let alone surpasses it). If such an extraordinary amplifier is ever discovered, it will be reported. However, dont also overlook the fact that only a tiny number of speakers can actually be driven by these amplifiers. That problem is irrelevant now, but its a serious and unavoidable issue that will have to be addressed by any prospective owneruser. WYETECH TOPAZ 211 MONOS (MODIFIED) I have not heard these amplifiers myself, at least that I can remember, but one of my associates had a thorough listening session with them. This associate has extensive experience with DHT and SET amplifiers, along with countless traditional designs, and has a highly revealing system. Here are his observations at the time, April 2006 . with some minor editing: The Wyetech Topaz 211 Mono amps are the finest sounding high powered SETs I have experienced. They have tremendous drive capability, excellent bass extension and punch and overall purity, while detail and transparency is very single-ended DHT like. They perform like big, pentode tube amps, in those amps area of strengths (dynamics, weight, etc.), yet possess the single-ended magic. Compared to the best SET 300Bs . or type 50 or 45 based amps, the Topaz yields a smidgen of purity, but it takes an exceptionally high resolution system for this to be noticeable. The Topaz is slightly more forgiving, with transients a tad rounded by comparison to small SETs. The compromise, in this area, is the smallest I have experienced in a high powered amp. The Wyetechs are superior to the Canary CA 339s in virtually in every respect. They are more transparent and more dynamic and gutsy. Build quality is state of the art. Each amp weighs in excess of 100 lbs . All wiring is point to point, the power supply uses only polypropylene caps etc. Output trannies are the superb Audionotes . To achieve the performance I am describing, the amps must be modified . The Solen metalized polypropylene caps have to be replaced with V Caps or other top of the line caps. Solens new polypropylene film and foil caps are excellent. They sound superb and are very reasonably priced. Also, all the power supply caps must be bypassed with .01 mfd 1200 V film and foil caps. For any speaker requiring more than 20 watts, and yet 45 watts is sufficient, the Wyetechs are the amps to have. Nothing sounds as good amongst the competition, or is built as well. For those who are satisfied with 7 watts, the Topaz will be slightly, but somewhat, compromised. Even under these conditions, if a more forgiving sonic portrayal (by reducing some of the rough edges of poorly recorded material) is desired, the Topaz is the amp of choice. Personal Note - I trusted my associates experience and judgement enough to have originally placed this amplifier in the Medium Power, Class A. Recent developments have now changed its relative status. The superb, and also less expensive, Canary CA 339 (which he also brought to my attention), is also still within this same list, which means it is still a Reference, but its no longer recognized as the best of its type. ومع ذلك. Caveat - A reader (within an hour of the original posting) informed me that the current version of these 211 mono amplifiers no longer have Audionote transformers, but are instead now using Bartolucci output transformers. We have NOT heard these latest models, so caution is advised at this time. Meanwhile, my associate . who owns and auditioned the amplifiers, also sent me a short clarifying note concerning this issue: Mine are the older model with the Audionotes. Wyetech switched to the Bartolucci because Audionote ceased production of the output trannies. I have heard from a few sources that the Bartolucci is inferior. (I) just read an old Vacuum Tube Valley report ( Issue 9-1998 ), where a comparison of output transformers with 211 tubes was conducted. The Audionotes received a rave review, while the Bartolucci was found to be noticeably rolled off in the highs, with a colored, albeit pleasing, sound overall. Latest Update - I just received this update from my same trusted associate . This entry focuses on the 211 output tubes . Here it is, with some slight editing: A couple of days ago, I replaced the stock Valve Art 211s with NOS GE VT-4C (211) Manufacture date Aug 1944 . and the resultant improvement in sound staggered me. The leap in sonic performance was greater than any tube substitution I have made. As good as the Topaz was prior to the tube change, the GE 211s wrought a refinement to the sound that was simply not there before. The typical Chinese tube glassiness (apparent with the Valve Art 300Bs), was eliminated and replaced with a silky smoothness that I did not believe a 211 capable. Overall purity and transparency was enhanced, as well as a lowering of the noise floor. A stunning improvement to be sure. There is no question that I have not heard a single ended amp, with this power, sound as good. GOLDEN TUBE AUDIO 300B MONOS (HIGHLY MODIFIED) Important Note - This was written before the arrival of the (superior) Coincident M300B Frankenstein MKII The former audio manufacturer, Golden Tube . came out with (at least) three amplifiers using one 300B output tube per channel. Two of them were MONO. One of them, the original design, used a 6SL7 input tube. The result is an amplifier of between 8 to 10 watts in the midrange and upper bass, depending on the brand of the 300B used. The later mono version had the option, with a switch, of using a 12SL7 or a 6SL7. This model is also a Reference, but not when using the 12SL7. The third version was a stereo amplifier, which also had a different circuit, and didnt sound as good. It had some some good qualities, but it was not the equal of the two monos, and it is not in this class. The stock performance of the Golden Tube 300B is not equal to the superb Wavelength Cardinal . or even the much more powerful Wytech Topaz for that matter. Fortunately, the Golden Tube can be extensively modified. When that is accomplished, according to my associate who made direct comparisons in his own system, it will not only equal, but even exceed both the Cardinal and the Topaz amplifiers in purity, transparency, immediacy and naturalness. To describe its greatest, and most important strength in the fewest words and in the most direct and simplest terms: The Golden Tube 300B has the lowest sound-floor of any amplifier I have ever heard. Unfortunately, it cant come even remotely close to any normal amp in sheer power, bass extension, control and impact. It is still in this class only because of its (potential) state-of-the-art midrange and highs and its (relatively) very low price, 2,000 or less used . This means that it can exceed the performance of any amp Ive ever heard in a bi-amp situation, If extra power is Not required. Virtually the entire insides must be gutted and then replaced with the finest quality parts available. The entire procedure and the better tubes will cost another 1,000 . or more. Most important, it must be used with high sensitivity speakers (minimum 92db and preferably higher) with a benign (above 6 ohms) impedance. The size of the listening room may also become an important factor because of the limits of its power. The good news is: If you do find speakers that work with them, and I have . than virtually all other amplifiers will sound unsatisfying in comparison. This company is now, sadly, out of business, but the Reference designation stands. The Golden Tube requires either the KR 300BXLS output tubes to reach its full potential. I am planning to describe the modification of this amplifier, in detail, within a new section on Modifications to be posted in the future. It should also provide a blueprint and general overview for modifying other tube amplifiers. CAVEAT: In practical terms, this amplifier, and virtually all the other similar 300B designs of 7 or 8 watts, is an upper bass, midrange and tweeter amplifier only . Even then, it will still only work with certain, high-sensitivity and high-impedance designs. The only exception may be the Wavelength Cardinal, which has considerably lower measured bass response. This means, that with very few exceptions, another amplifier should be used for the frequencies below around 80 to 100 Hz. Reviewers, manufacturers and dealers who advise otherwise are doing a true disservice to audiophiles. Below are now posted two pictures, outside and internally, of my personal Golden Tube 300B amplifiers, taken just before they were sold, which should assist a modifier. CANARY AUDIO CA-339 300B PUSH-PULL PARALLEL MONO BLOCKS According to my associate . this amplifier combines this second greatest overall amount of purity, delicacy, control, weight and authority of any amplifier he has ever heard in his 30 year audio life (including the CAT JL-1 above). These are his own (anonymous) words, verbatim: The first amplifier that seems to do it all. The iron fist in a velvet glove. 50 watts of 300B sound. That is, all the finesse, purity, transparency and low level detail retrieval combined with weight, impact, explosive dynamics and incredible bass. This amp does everything at the highest levels of excellence, Beautifully built, ( 1 brushed aluminum face plate - finest trannies, choke filtered, Hovland caps, huge power supplies) and extremely reliable. Output Tubes 4 300Bs in a push-pull parallel configuration Input - one 6SN7 Driver one 6SN7 Rectifiers - pair of 5U4Gs On sensitive speakers, this amplifier sounds gutsier and more dynamic than the ASL Hurricane . and destroys it in every other parameter of performance. The CA-339 will successfully drive virtually all but the most insane speaker loads (i. e. Thiels . Martin Logans . Avalons etc). Might not equal a superb SE PX25 amp at its greatest strengths, or a SE 300B . but it comes frighteningly close. In all other areas, the CA-339 is an order of magnitude superior. 14,000 USpr aint cheap, but this is one of those rare instances in audio where it is actually worth it. Personal Note - I havent heard these amplifiers yet. Canary has another amplifier that is supposed to be even better the Reference One Mono Blocks . None of us has heard them. They also make a number of preamplifiers, which we havent heard. Unfortunately, they are all line-stages. No phono-stage is available according to their website (See Links File). It must be stressed that these amplifiers have only been auditioned, as described above, on easy loads, meaning both high-sensitivity (above 90 dB) and high-impedance (above 6 ohms). Speakers that are insensitive, andor with lowvarying impedances, may not be suitable. Further Notes - A reader has sent me three letters with his observations about them. I find his letters particularly relevant because he has other highly regarded amplifiers and he has compared them directly with the Canary. Here are his three letters, with only minor editing: Letter 1- June 21, 2004 I just saw an update on your web site about the Canary CA-339, and I thought Id get my oar in on the subject. Ive owned a pair of (Coincident) Total Victories for about a year. As my aspirations for my system have grown, Ive started looking for the perfect amps to drive them. So far Ive gone through a Sugden Au51P . a KR 18 BSI . a pair of Coincident MP300Bs . a pair of Wavelength Tritons and a pair of deHavilland Aries 854s . About two and a half weeks ago. I took delivery of a pair of CA-339s. I never imagined an amp could be so wonderful. Their sound is complete, in every sense of the word. They have complete frequency response, complete dynamics, complete resolution, complete tonality and complete soundstaging. Their sound is completely natural in every regard. In fact, one of the things Ive noticed about them is that the sound is so natural you dont even notice it, until you suddenly realize that what is making the music so breathtakingly real is the fact that the amps are doing everything right. The source is an Audio Note 4.1x Balanced Signature DAC . and Im currently using an Audion Premier two-box line stage. I have a CTC Blowtorch on order to replace the Audion, and I suspect that will tell the tale of the ultimate quality these amps are capable of. Anyway, at this point I completely agree with. (the posted) assessment of the Canary amps - they are a match made in heaven with the Total Victories. Letter 2- July 5, 2004 Im in the middle of re-tubing both the (deHavilland) 845s and the Canaries, and Ill provide more thorough impressions once all the tubes have arrived and settled in. Heres a preliminary look at where things sit right now: The Canary CA-339s have their factory stock ElectroHarmonix 300Bs . EH 5U4GBs and a set of black base RCA 6SN7GTBs . The deHavilland Aries 845Gs came with Russian 6AU5s, Russian 6SN7s, and Chinese 845s. In these configurations the Canaries were decisively superior in most regards to the 845 amps - better macro and micro dynamics, much better transparency, better frequency extension (especially in the bass), more precise imaging, a more open soundstage and more harmonic development. I have since retubed the 845s with RCA black base 6SN7GTBs and KR 845s . It is now a much closer contest, and for the right listener the 845 is now the better amp. The dynamics of the Aries are now close to the Canary, the imaging is almost as good, the frequency extension in the treble is as good while in the bass its not quite there yet. The soundstaging of the 845 is better than it was with the stock tubes, but still doesnt have the openness of the Canaries. In the area of harmonic development and density, however, the 845 amps are now decisively better than the Canaries. The sound is richer and fuller, with a very satisfying big tone. In addition, their sound is more relaxed. In comparison, the Canaries are revealed to have a slightly thinner tone, with a touch too much sparkle (verging on a bit of edge). At the moment Id characterize the 845 amps as music-lovers amps, while the Canaries are more audiophile amps. Theres no question that the Canaries produce more venue information, develop a more explicit image and have more balls. On the other hand, the Aries make listening to most classical, jazz and all folk music an unalloyed pleasure. With them I just sit down and sink into the music. This is all subject to change over then next two weeks, though. Ill be completely retubing the Canaries with Philips ECG 5U4GBs . RCA red base 5692s and KR 300BXLS . which should dramatically change their sound. In addition, the KR 845s in the Aries are still brand new, and probably need about another 48 hours to really start showing their chops. Ill let you know how things go. Letter 3- August 4, 2004 I have some more observations on the Canary CA-339 following two months of break in and extensive listening. I re-tubed them with KR 300BXLS power tubes and RCA 6SN7s . They love the KR tubes, and are now by a wide margin the best amps Ive heard on the Total Victories. They achieve this through a combination of exceptional dynamics, total clarity, complete tonal neutrality, and a full realization of both the tonal and spatial properties of the recordings. They are completely at the service of the music, whether it be rock, jazz, blues, folk, classical of any sort from solo instrumentals to full orchestra, or anything else. They do both intimacy and scale with equal conviction. They sound utterly effortless. They impart a sense of realism to the recreated soundspace that is just plain spooky. Ive compared them to my deHavilland Aries 845G . which I have retubed with KR 845s . To be blunt, there is no contest. While the 845 is a very pleasant amp, it is obvious at all times that is is imposing its signature on the music. In contrast, listening to the CA-339 amounts to simply listening to the music. While there are better amps out there for some applications, I cant imagine anything much better for use with the Total Victory or any other reasonably efficient, transparent speaker. My search for reference quality amplification is unequivocally over. Personal Notes - Unfortunately, the KR 300BXLS is an expensive tube, but it appears to be a requirement if the owner wants to maximize the performance of the Canary amps. Considering the retail cost of the Canarys themselves, and the build quality and increased longevity of the KR tubes, I feel the extra cost is still reasonable and well warranted in the long run for the improvement the reader describes. So far, it must be kept in mind that all the above accolades heaped on the Canary amps are by audiophiles who are using high-sensitivity speakers with a high impedance. Im still waiting to hear some observations by owners of other types of speakers. Based on the readers second paragraph of his third letter, which is what my associate also told me in almost the same exact words, I cant remember the last time Ive looked so forward to hearing an amplifier. Now Ill have to talk my associate into also getting those KR output tubes. Most Recent Canary CA-339 News - One of my associates has informed me that the Canarys require high quality 300B output tubes to reach the performance that has been described previously, and which enabled them to be one of only 3 amplifiers within Class A. The lowest performing 300B tubes which are recommended are the Electro Harmonix Gold Grids . An alternative 300B, the Valve Arts . also available from Canary, is NOT recommended. My associate informed me that the Valve Arts seriously compromised the performance of the CA-339. On a similar note, the stock Chinese 6SN7 s must also be changed to high quality NOS types, of which there are many choices. Without both of these tube optimizations, the CA-339 will not perform at the highest level, and is not a Reference. ( 205 ) Most recent communication (305)- Below is some important information concerning these amplifiers, from the horses mouth no less I read your latest posting on our CA-339 and wanted to address the 300B position. A few customers have emailed and called me asking whether or not we supply output tubes with our amplifiers. On our website it clearly states that we do not supply them but apparently a little confusion exists. For the record, all tubes (including output tubes) are supplied with our EL-34 based amps. With regard to the 300B amps, no output tubes are supplied and we neither recommend nor supply output tubes for any of our 300B amplifiers. As a convenience to our customers, we sell a number of 300B brands but do not endorse or recommend any of them. Bill Feil AudioFeil International Sound ProductsSound Solutions 716-400-6177 DaysEveningsWeekends audiofeil Personal Note - My associate highly recommends the Electro-Harmonix Gold Grids . especially for the money, while one reader . who has used a variety of 300Bs, feels that the KR300BXLS . which is much more expensive, is definitely superior to all the others hes heard, including the Gold Grids, and will elevate the amplifiers to a new performance level. Further - I received this letter from Bill Feil . owner of AudioFeil International . who is the Canary distributor in October 2005 . I feel this information will be important to the owners of these superb amplifiers. Theres very little editing: . I want to call attention to both you and owners of the Canary CA-339, a moderately inexpensive (vis a vis very expensive premium 300B tubes) way to kick up the performance of these amps. Having just brought another pair of them into my showroom, I decided to leave the stock Electro Harmonix 300B as is. However, I installed a pair of 1960 Mullard CV 378 rectifiers and a pair of 1952 Sylvania 6SN7WGT in each amp. For less money than a pair of KR 300Bs (these amps take 2 pair each keep in mind), the changes were breathtaking. Transients, soundstage, and articulation were noticeably improved. I thought your readers might be interested to know that, although these amps benefits from premium 300B tubes, these changes are a great cost effective compromise. WYTECH LABS TOPAZ (LATEST 572 MODEL ONLY) The Wytech is one of the finest overall amplifiers that we are aware of at this time. Its power rating appears modest ( 22 watts, 90 watts peak ), and it does not break any new sonic grounds, but the good news is that this amplifier can virtually equal most amplifiers we know of in most areas of music reproduction. To be specific: This means that it has much of the pure, natural, immediate and liquid qualities of the finest of the ultra low-power (under 10 watt) single-ended amplifiers, while still sounding as gutsy, dynamic, and controlled as many more powerfully rated amps. Despite the standard BS regularly written in audio magazines, exceedingly few other amplifier have ever been able to legitimately make this claim in the past. In short, this amplifier has excellent overall performance, especially at its price of 9,250 . direct from the manufacturer. It is exceptionally well built and it is also ultra-quiet during operation. Now for the negatives: 1. This amplifier uses 1150 volts on the plate to get all its power from just one output tube (the main reason for its purity), so this isnt the amplifier to play around and experiment with inside. Touching the wrong spot would be the final mistake of that persons life. 2. This amplifier is dual-mono, but on just one chassis. It is very large and bulky, weighs around 120 lbs. . looks industrial, and it is much more difficult to place (and hide) than mono amplifiers. (This is the reason that I was not able to use it in my own system.) 3. This amplifier will not sound as described with the many low-sensitivity and low-impedance speaker models that are on the current market. This is just one more good reason to avoid those frustrating and self-defeating designs. 4. These amplifiers are custom made, one at a time (by owner and designer Roger Hebert ), so there may be a waiting period for them. As far as Ive been told, only the earlier (and inferior) model, using 845 output tubes, was ever sold retail. 5. These amplifiers can be improved with better tubes, particularly the 6SN7 input tube and the 6BX7 driver tube. The 572 output tubes have no superior replacements at this time. MONOS - There are also Wytechs own mono amplifiers, the 572M . which are a unique single-ended design using two 572 output tubes and two output transformers per channel, to minimize inductance. They are 45 watts per channel and are 18,500 for a pair. None of us have heard them at this time. Other listeners, who have made the comparison, have reported mixed messages some of them preferring the monos, and others describing the only advantage being the increased power. Some have even mentioned that there was an actual sonic (along with the obvious theoretical) disadvantage caused by configuring the two output transformers in parallel or in series, depending on the speaker impedance. One of us has compared two of the stereo amplifiers to just one. Despite the fact that the two stereo amplifiers had the advantages of both biamping and total mono separation, there was virtually no sonic improvement. This means that the stereo version sounds the same as the mono versions of the same amplifier. That is quite an accomplishment. CAVEAT: There is actually more than one version of the Topaz amplifier from this company. The original Topaz used the 845211 output tube. That is the model to avoid. It was still excellent, but nothing special. I know, I heard it in my own system. For some inexplicable reason, the manufacturer decided not to change its model number when he changed its design. The current models only use the 572 output tube. This is the only model that is a Reference. Accordingly, it is safest to order a brand new amplifier and simply ignore any used models that come up for sale. This company also makes a budget amplifier called the Onyx . which also has decent sonics and good build quality, but it is also nothing special. FURTHER - I recently received news from a reader about two interesting components from Wyetech Labs, who have one of the finest audio track records in the last decade. One of them is new, while the other is an update of its most famous model. Heres the letter, with minor editing: Maybe you already know this, but there is a new amplifier from Wyetech Labs. It is the Sapphire 300B monoblocs, (Parallel) SET based on 300B tubes. Heres the link: Also, there is a new version. of the Topaz, the Topaz 211C . The 572 tubes have been replaced by a new brand of 211 tubes. Personal Observation - First Viva . and now Wyetech, has replaced its flagship model using 572 DHT tubes with a 211 DHT. I was under the impression that the 572 was the superior tube with more potential. So whats up Well, readers should be made aware that the Svetlana 572 tube is now DISCONTINUED, and the remaining stock is both drying up and now rising in price. I think these two manufacturers are simply reacting to the reality of what is practical to build today. ( 1205 ) VIVA AURORA 572 (USED ONLY) This amplifier is similar in design and competitive with the Topaz. It is made by the Italian manufacturer VIVA . The model is called the Aurora . It also uses a single 572 output tube, but these are all-out mono blocks . using in-house output transformers and they have the further advantage of using another 572 as the driver tube . Even more surprisingly, two more 572s are used as rectifiers . but that can be a mixed blessing. There are some downsides. The power supply is not as large and sophisticated, and the passive parts dont equal the quality of those within the Topaz. Both of those disadvantages can be addressed with various modifications, which should not be that difficult to do within such a large amplifier. These amps are custom made only, and cost 22,000 a pair . This means that they will probably never be a Reference new, because the price differential with the competing Topaz is just too large. A used pair, with modifications, is another matter, because these amplifiers sell for half-price or less on the second-hand market. Their cosmetics are stunning. VIVA now makes a very similar amplifier, using the more powerful, but usually less accurate and pure, 845 output tube. It is still called the Aurora, believe it or not. (Is there a fashionable trend to confuse potential purchasers) An associate and I heard this new 845 amplifier at the 2004 CES and were very impressed with it, so this model may be something to look into. Auditions - We auditioned the 572 Vivas a number of times with mixed results. I auditioned the Vivas (stock) on my (now former) store system (CD based and with Coincident Super Eclipses ) and on my own system (analog, and with the Ars Acoustica System Max ). On the store system . the sound was the best I ever heard with it, by far. Several customers, who were very familiar with that system, agreed with me. In fact, one of them, a very critical listener, said that it was the first time he had ever enjoyed the Super Eclipses. The sound was far superior, overall, than with the Manley Retros or the AltecTutay . It was incredibly natural and full bodied. It retrieved a considerable amount of musical information, which was almost always lost with other amplifiers. I, and every other person who heard this system, couldnt have been more impressed. ومع ذلك. I then put the Vivas in my own system. First on the subwoofer, where it didnt have the best impact I have had, but it was superior in the most important areas harmonic structure and the retrieval of low-level information ambience, decays, space etc. (The Vivas on the bottom, and the Golden Tubes on top, was the best sound I ever experienced at that time. Every person who heard this combination, agreed with me.) Next, I connected them to the main speakers, where it competed with the Golden Tube 300B mono amplifiers (above), which are highly modified. This time they didnt have the purity, immediacy, transparency and the ultra low sound-floor of the Golden Tubes (neither does any other amplifier I have ever heard). The Vivas had more of an electronic sound, though they still demonstrated their previously described strengths. I, and another of my associates, preferred the Golden Tubes. One of my customers then purchased the Viva amplifiers just before I moved to Florida. Another one of my associates had the same Viva amplifiers at his house and also compared them to the Altecs, the Manleys, the Golden Tubes and the Topaz. He preferred the Vivas to the Altecs and Manleys, just as we did and for the same reasons. He also preferred the Golden Tubes to the Vivas in the midrange and highs, again agreeing with my conclusions. As for the Topaz. He preferred the Topaz overall. He felt the Topaz equaled the Vivas in its strengths, but had more dynamic power and was also noticeably superior at the frequency extremes. He was so impressed, that he ended up purchasing the Topaz. I then heard his system with the Topaz, twice, but the sound was not as good, overall, as what I heard with the Vivas at my place, though I agreed with him that the Topaz had better frequency extremes and more dynamic power. (Two of my other associates agreed with my assessment of his system compared to the system in my store with the Vivas and Super Eclipse.) He explained that the problems we all heard were caused by his speakers (Coincident Victory and Total Victory) not being broken in yet. So this is my problem. If I take this associate at his word, where do I place the Viva Probably Class B . with a caveat that it is a Reference only at a used price, since the Topaz is much less expensive new, and it is better. However, what if he is wrong Because he couldnt hear the strengths of the Viva through his speakers, which were not yet broken-in, or for some other reason. Also, the Vivas have room for serious improvements, while the other Class A amplifiers do not. Additionally, the Vivas are noticeably superior to even the finest of the current Class B models. The Temporary Solution: I am going to place the Viva (used only) in Class B . I know they are at least worthy of that designation. They may be a Class A amplifier, but I would like some confirmation, based on a thorough audition. So far, they came in second to the Golden Tubes in my system, and, according to my trusted associate, second to the Topaz in his system. They will have to be superior, or at least comparable, to one of these two Kings in a serious shoot-out before they, or any other low to medium power amplifier, can join this very exclusive club. (See The Reference Policy within The Reference Components Introduction.) MANLEY 300B RETROSNEO-CLASSIC (Used or On Sale Only) The RetroNeo are superb, but do not have the ultimate transparency, naturalness and purity that the finest single-ended amplifiers possess like the Golden Tube (modified) or the Wavelength Cardinal . However, their bass reproduction is superior to those simpler designs and they will work with a larger variety of speakers. There are two requirements for optimization the speakers must be sensitive (90db or higher), and also have a benign impedance (minimum 6 ohms, preferably above 8 ohms). These are the amplifiers to consider if you still require more power than the 300B Single-Ended amplifiers (8 watts) can give you. Unfortunately, the Neos have a retail cost of 7,200 a pair, which is only 1,700 less than the superior Topaz. That is the reason why they are a Reference Used or On Sale only. The Topaz is still easily worth the extra 1,700, and more. (However, dont forget the Topazs problem with size and placement.) The Neos are mono, with two 300B output tubes per channel. They are very versatile: They can be switched from single-ended (12 watts) to push-pull (24 watts). They also have adjustable feedback, from 0 to 10db in 1db steps. They even have two inputs a standard RCA and the other balanced. They easily outperform all the Jadis single-ended designs that cost far more, and are even better than the Original (14,000) Topaz. I sold and lived with the Retros, though I havent heard the latest Neos myself, but one of my associates has, and in depth. The most serious competition for these amps are the most recent (and now final) version of the Coincident 300B mono blocks (please see below), which have almost the exact same design, cost far less, and, according to at least one reader, even outperform the Neos. (I obviously never made a direct comparison myself, but Ive been overall more impressed with the Coincident models than a highly modified pair of Retros. This was because they sounded closer to my Golden Tube 300B amps than the Manelys.) The Retros were the previous model, now discontinued, and are very similar in sound and design. They had a retail price of 5,500 a pair. They were not quite as well built, and their sonics are not the equal of the Neos, but they are very close. (In fact, I now understand that some listeners prefer the more immediate sonics of the Retros.) The Retros are still a Reference because of their overall performance and excellent value for the money. The Retro must be used with the KR 300BXLS output tube, or else the amplifier will have both reliability problems and less than optimum sonics. They are expensive, but worth it. There is also a bonus the Retro sounds its best with this tube. The newer Manley NEO design is not as hard on its output tubes, so virtually any 300B will work with it, but the KR is still an excellent choice because of its sonics. (703) ALTEC 1570WITH TUTAY MODIFICATION This vintage Altec is a fantastic amplifier. It could be the dream amplifier for many audiophiles. I didnt list it initially because of the many hurdles to get an optimized working pair, and the potential danger in using them. Lets discuss the sonics first, and then tackle the remaining issues. This amplifier, after it is fully modified, can compete with virtually any push-pull amplifier in the world. It uses only two 811A direct heated triode output tubes, but it can still generate over 150 watts per channel. It has a very high quality power supply with chokes, tube rectification, separate input and output supplies etc. The end result is a combination of tremendous power along with a lot, but not all, of the purity and transparency of the single-ended designs. Other high-power tube amplifiers, that use multiple output tubes (8, 12, 16, or 20 per channel-especially pentodes) to create their power, can not compete with this simpler (and much less expensive) design. As usual, it is at its best with high-impedance loads, but it can still sound excellent in normal impedance loads as well, though it is not a good match with very low impedances. Now for the inevitable hurdles: 1. The original Altec 1570 series of amplifiers were designed and built for commercial and industrial applications The U. S. military, sports stadiums, factories, auditoriums etc. They are very reliable of course, and are also downright ugly in appearance. There may have been many made 40 years ago, but now they are difficult to find. Their sonics, stock, are simply horrible. They sound dirty and have no bass. So they must also be modified . 2. There are very few people who can modify these amplifiers. The person who has, by far, the most experience, and has achieved the finest results weve heard, is Tom Tutay . a talented engineer who lives and works in Florida (Go to the Links section to contact him) . So after a pair of these are found in good condition, they must be sent to Tutay for his (very extensive) update. I dont know the most recent cost, and there are some options, but it will cost at least 3,000 . or more. Considering the enormous amount of work involved, this is a very fair price. The total cost, including the amplifiers themselves and all the shipping, will be in the 5,000 range, unless you can score on the Altecs. To put things in perspective, if such an amplifier were built in North America and marketed new in todays market, it would sell for a minimum of 10,000 and probably around 15,000 or more. 3. After all the above has been done, there is another important issue to ponder. The reason why these amplifiers can generate so much power with only two output tubes is simple there is more than 900 volts DC on the plates. This voltage itself comes from the rare, high voltage power transformer, which has somewhat louder than average mechanical noise. (The extra expense and difficulty in finding and utilizing very high voltage components is the primary reason why contemporary amplifier manufacturers havent just copied this design.) Unfortunately, there is a potential danger to this design. The 811A output tube receives this high voltage from an (easily accessible) cap on the top of the tube, and not from the usual, inaccessible tube pins within the chassis. This means that anyone (or anything) who removes this cap while the amplifier is on . or even off for a short period of time, and touches the internal metal part, can be electrocuted. I realize only a reckless fool or someone incredibly ignorant would do this, but I felt it should still be mentioned. The Altec came with a perforated, protective cover which made it impossible to reach the cap, but it may be missing, and some people may prefer not to use it because the 811A output tubes look cool when they are on and all lit up. This is highly unadvisable . My advice is to do whatever it takes to make these plate caps inaccessible to others a replacement cover, screen etc. Dont worry about ruining the appearance of this amplifier, it cant be made any worse than it already is (see pictures of the Altec below). Once that is done, this amplifier is as safe as any other tube amplifier, and very reliable. One final concern also deals with the Altecs very high voltage. A reader has informed me that an electronics designer warned him that the amplifier can emit high radiation levels. The designers advice to an Altec owner is simple: He will want to distance himself as much as possible from those amps. This advice is also applicable with any other electronic device using high voltages such as televisions, some older computer monitors and even typical tube amplifiers etc. so this information doesnt compromise the Altec 1570s Reference designation except in very highly unusual circumstances. Tom Tutay . the modification expert and engineer, also feels the amplifier is very safe. ( 20 or more of these Altec amplifiers were used in the Astrodome and they were on 24 hours a day. The engineers who worked in near proximity never had any problems with them.) Further (205)- A reader sent me some information and observations concerning these two very different amplifiers. Here they are, slightly edited Did you know the Altec 1570 is an ALL class B amplifier-) What a sweetheart. Wish I bought a pair years ago. The first time I heard them (was) on a pair of MBL 101s . I couldnt believe it. Also the CAT JL2 is definitely better than the JL1 with one reserve, the bass is better on the JL1. For the bass, you move up to the JL3. Personal Notes - I had no idea the Altecs could drive the MBLs. All I can add is, despite my best efforts, I havent found a better bass amp for my own system, at least so far. I do have a new contender in the works. If everything goes to plan, Ill compare them this Fall, after the Hurricane season. FURTHER (1105)- I received some important information from an associate concerning this excellent amplifier (which I still use myself as a subwoofer amp). According to my associate, Magnequest is now building an updated version of the Altecs output and interstage transformers. The output transformer is the real news, since it will be flat to 20 Hz . and will even have a 4 ohm tap. This is excellent news for people who will use the Altec with full-range speakers andor low impedance loads (like me). Ill post more information when I find it. I checked out Magnequests website myself, but I found nothing on these transformers. Finally, they are supposed to cost 200 each, which sounds reasonable to me. I dont know the cost of the interstage transformers, or any sonic or practical advantages they have over the originals. JANUARY 2006 UPDATE A reader just sent some information on how to further improve this already unique and excellent amplifier. It is simply a tube replacement . but this time its not just the brand of the tubes, but the actual model of the (output) tubes that are changed. Heres the letter with some editing: . the true copy of the ( Taylor ) 572b . made by the Chinese ( Penta Labs ), not Svetlana . are direct drop-ins for the 811A . The bottle is ST . and not straight walled like an 845211 transmitter triode. Tom Tutay said to use it and wrote this in his hand written manual which also gave the general history of the Altec amp along with upgrades, etc. Biasing the tube is easy and a direct drop in for the vintage 811A. All we know is that after all the tubes were dialed in, it was like going from a weak V-8 to a big V-12, with lots of head room or reserve just setting there. We liked the change for its bottom end and over all extension. Personal Notes - This may be really good news. I will verify all of this with Tom Tutay myself, and then try this modification on my own Altecs to see what results I get. I only use the Altecs with my systems woofers, but the improvements, especially in the entire bass frequency range, should still be easily noticeable if this reader is correct. Caution - Audiophiles who already own the Altecs should NOT simply replace their currrent tubes with the 572B. Be patient until you find out exactly which brand(s) of 572B isare recommended and the correct biasing for that tube. Were talking 900 volts here, so dont do anything until you know for certain that its safe. FEBRUARY 2006 UPDATE I recently asked Tom Tutay . the person most intimately familiar with this amplifier, about switching the output tubes from the stock 811A to the 572B . Tutay informed me that its no problem to make the switch the amplifier just has to be re-biased, as with every change of the output tubes. The actual bias, and everything else, remains the same. Tutay also informed me that he felt the amplifiers resulting sonics . with the 572B, were different, and not necesssarily better, depending on personal priorities. Still, considering the relative ease and small monetary investment involved, I feel the enthusiasts of this amplifier should try it out for themselves if possible. (But please, never go inside the 1570B unless you know what youre doing - The potentially lethal 900 volts remain on the plate.) MARCH 2006 UPDATE I received further information about the 572B output tubes for this amplifier, which can be replacements for the stock 811A . Here it is, with slight editing ( My Bold ): (I) wanted to respond about the current production 572b. There is an eBay tube seller that offers a year warranty . fully understanding they may be back-up tubes, and not be used imediately. Penta and all the rest only offer a 30 day warranty from the day of purchase. BTW, all the 572b tubes are made at one plant in China . but some sellers will take the time to burn them in and really test them because short-wave radios put a lot more current on the tube than audio use does. The eBay seller is: k5svc . and has a store with tons of parts and tubes for short wave radio people. His email address is: unclegeorgessurplusyahoo ANTIQUE SOUND LAB HURRICANE 200 DT (LATEST TRIODE MODEL) The Hurricane is a large, heavy (65 lbs) and powerful (200 watts per channel) mono power amplifier built in China. It uses 8 KT-88 and 3 6SN7 tubes per channel. It is a push-pull, ultralinear design with point-to-point wiring (no circuit boards), two power transformers (one push and one pull) and 0 NFB. The latest models use special oil and paper capacitors (more on this below). The biasing is very easy with a large LED readout. Amazingly, the price is 4,400 for the pair (Compare that price to equivalent models from Audio Research, Conrad Johnson, McIntosh, Jadis, VAC, Manley, VTL etc.) This amplifier has been extensively auditioned by the same associate who owned the rare and expensive CAT JL-1 mono blocks, now in Class A. A comparison of the two models was made on his own (very high resolution) system. The results are. The CAT still has some advantages, but my associate also claims that the Hurricane is close enough to be competitive, and it is only around 15th the cost of the CAT. He was impressed enough to purchase a pair. Paraphrasing his description of them: Tremendous dynamic range and control, huge and focused soundstage, along with a surprisingly natural and refined sound, especially considering its size and power. A breakthrough for the money. I have also heard them myself, on my associates system, and can now verify his above description. In addition, I was able to observe that it still obscures some inner, fine detail and loses other important musical (low-level) information, which is the strength of the finest single-ended designs Ive auditioned. Its sound-floor is also very low for a high-power tube amplifier, but its still higher than the best of the simpler designs. Three Different Models Since our initial Reference designation of this amplifier in May 2002 . and my later audition of them in September 2002 . another version came out with oil and paper coupling capacitors, which are made by the same factory that designs and manufactures the Hurricane. (There were a few other minor changes, but they are sonically insignificant.) My associate had a pair of this new model and has made extensive comparisons with the original amplifier. (The original version of the Hurricane used metallized MIT polypropylene capacitors. These are best described as utilitarian and are both the cheapest and worst performing caps within the entire MIT line-up. Their film and foil polypropylene and (top-of-the-line) polystyrene are both much superior. I know this for a fact, because I have more than a decade worth of experience with all of their capacitors, including within my own systems.) To my associates surprise, he much preferred the oil and paper capacitors, despite their generic reputation for normally being soft, weak at the extremes, blunted, veiled etc. He informed me that these new capacitors were either equal or noticeably superior in every area of music reproduction to the budget MIT equivalents. The overall improvements he heard are one of the reasons why this amplifier was originally moved up to this higher class (the other reason is that I was initially cautious because of our previously unsatisfactory experiences with some other components manufactured by this company). Meanwhile, The Absolute Sound (TAS) (Harry Pearson no less) gave this amplifier a rave review, calling it, in effect, the best amplifier in the world. They then went on to badmouth the new oil and paper caps. They are wrong on both counts. While this amplifier is most likely the best value for a high-power amplifier now available, which is why I listed it in the first place, it does not equal the better single-ended-triode designs in their important sonicmusical strengths. I know this for certain, because I compared this amplifier with a superb, but not state of the art, SET amplifier myself (the Coincident MP 300B - see below). My associate also felt that the Tenor 15 Wp was superior in its primary sonic strengths, and he now prefers the Antique Sound Labs own AQ1009 in overall performance (see below). Yes, this model has its own important sonic advantages over the best of the SETs, which just simply means that it is impossible for there to be a single best amplifier in the world (at least as of today). As for the capacitor issue, I trust my associates hearing and competence much more than I trust Harry (120 dB) Pearson. The fact that Pearson cant even easily hear the sonic downsides of the Hurricane is alone enough to seriously question his present hearing ability. Fortunately, the distributor and manufacturer appear to have solved this issue themselves. (See below) While I have a serious disagreement with Harry Pearson as to the Hurricanes ultimate merit, I do give HP (and TAS) credit for finally bringing recognition to this amplifier. Recognizing unknowns and little-guys may have been typical behavior 20 years ago, but that is no longer the case today for the the major magazines. Further TAS Controversy - In the Reviewing the Reviewers file, within The Absolute Sound sub-file, please read the correspondence between myself and the late Randy Tomlinson for more information, opinions and experiences concerning this amplifier and compatible speakers etc. ( 304 ) My associate has now extensively auditioned the latest ( March 2003 ) version of the Hurricane. It has a Triode switch plus it uses new, multi-layer, paper and oil capacitors, which cost 20 times what the older MIT capacitors costs. He has informed me that (when its operating in triode ) this new Hurricane noticeably outperforms the two earlier versions. He claims it is superior in virtually every sonic parameter, including dynamic intensity, transparency and purity. These significant improvements are the reason why the Hurricane has, once again, moved up in these listings. However, it still does NOT equal the finest SET (or OTL) amplifiers in their greatest strengths. Of course, many, if not most, listeners may still prefer the Hurricanes own strengths. (In fact, a number of listeners preferred the Hurricane to the Wytech Topaz in a recent shootout, even though they acknowledged the Topazs superiority in its sonic upsides.) A few of my associates have had an opportunity to try out different output tubes. They prefer the Svetlana 6550C . The output tubes that come with the Hurricane, the Valve Art KT-88 . are warmer in character, which many listeners may prefer, but lack some detail, purity and transparency. Actually, changing the 6SN7 input tubes will probably make more of a difference. NOS tubes from the World War II era are preferable. Unfortunately they are expensive, 50 or more, but they last a long time. Bottom Line - Readers must demand only the latest model of the Hurricane, which includes the Triode switch and the latest multilayer oil and paper capacitors. Further Listening - In early June 2003 . I heard the absolute latest version, with the triode switch . for six straight hours, with a system, room and software (all LPs) that I am very familiar with. The results actually surprised me. To put this bluntly the more I (actually we) hear this amplifier, the less Im impressed with it. It is a breakthrough of sorts. For an amplifier using 8 power tubes per channel, 4 push and 4 pull, it has amazing performance, especially for the money . It is relatively clean, transparent, dynamic, neutral, big sounding and has excellent frequency extremes. It is competitive with, or better than, any other big amplifier I know, and at any price. The Hurricanes problems become evident when you begin to compare it with small amplifiers. It just doesnt have the immediacy, transparency, inner detail, purity and low sound-floor of the finest low and medium powered amplifiers Ive heard. This is easily noticeable to any experienced listener. Audiophiles who dont require the power of the Hurricane should seriously consider low-powered alternatives, but for all those many audiophiles who do need the power ( 50 watts or more), the Hurricane is the best amplifier news I can remember in my now long audio career. That is why it will remain in Upper Class B . Finally, the Hurricane sounds much better when its operating in the Triode mode. There is really no comparison. I write this only because I was told that some owners actually prefer listening in the standard Pentode model. This preference is a mystery to me, so its safe to say that I dont share much in common with these listeners. (703) Some Readers Weighs In Further - Here is a short note from a reader who owns a pair and who shared some of his recent experiences: Youre right, triode is the only way to listen to the Hurricanes. Also, it helps to substitute Sylvania 6SN7 GTBs for the Chinese tubes. I also tried RCA red base 5692s . but I didnt care for them. In the Hurricanes the sound became darker with less detail. I was surprised. One other note about the Hurricanes tubes. I found that changing to the Sylvanias sharpened up detail and definition enough to make up for the warmth of the KT-88s. I tried the Svetlana 6550Cs but found when used with the Sylvania 6SN7 GTBs, they made the midrange too forward, so much so that the vocals and instruments, such as tenor sax, seemed detached from the rest of the music. (In my system.) 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